Category: Uncategorized
Digg Video
Digg has for a while now been a staple part of every nerds diet. Amongst all the hype it has taken AJAX, Web 2.0 and community driven websites and actually made something useful and interesting (see Google Trends to see how its grown). Now they have finally added non-nerd categories that are quickly picking up…
Greylisting – A novel but controversial way to reduce spam
Greylisting is a technique to reduce spam that works by giving a temporary failure to new mail hosts and allowing them to deliver once they wait for 10 minutes or so. It works because most spammers are either spambots or other spam programs which tend to not behave anything like a real MTA and will…
Things you don’t want to hear at 5am
The incestant click click click of the stove. I found Nichole staring at the stove and was about to explain its operation to hear before I realised the clicking was the igniter spark going over and over about every second (much slower than it goes if you press the button down). We called Energy Australia…
Picard – A music tagger using accoustic recognition
I’m sure all of us have been in the situation where we’ve had an mp3 and not known the name, or had a collection of mp3s that are tagged poorly and need to be cleaned up. In my case I had hundreds of mp3s that I had recovered from a harddrive that were all named…
From the list of debian apps you must install comes apticron. I don’t know why I never looked for it or how I lived without it. It mails you everyday with new packages you can upgrade on the box.
Workaround: reiserfsck –rebuild tree “out of space aborted”
This is an article about why not to use reiserfs with mythtv and what to do if it goes horribly wrong. So I came home to my media box about a month ago and it was locked up. I shell’d in and poked around and it said the /home partition was full which seemed unlikely…
I know of quite a few IT jobs running in the Sydney area at the moment. Please contact me for more details.
HOWTO: Windows XP running under Xen 3.0 on Ubuntu Dapper Drake
Introduction Xen is new virtualization technology that is just starting to become very big mostly thanks to its speed and ease of use on linux compared to similar products. We use it on some production servers and although the product is still young and unstable its still very usable and is getting much better with…
HOWTO: Nice new mail announcements with Ubuntu Dapper and Thunderbird
First install the Mailbox Alert Extension. Then install libnofity and dbus. These are new messaging libraries apt-get install libnotify1 libnotify-bin dbus Open Thunderbird. Click on Tools->Current Mailbox Alert. Try this command: /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/share/pixmaps/mozilla-thunderbird.xpm %sendername %subject Then whenever you get new mail you’ll get a nice little notification in the bottom right hand corner.
Dog Brain in Petri Dish Controls Quake 3 – Plays Better than Tristan
Some things just defy belief. Why believe in the supernatural when we are able to do trippy shit like this. I can’t wait to vs. a dog brain team.