Author: joelh

  • 2 weeks out.

    There is a definite difference emerging between the philosophies of each party in this election, and this is in part, due to Latham’s efforts to remould the labor party, and his convictions about social policy. Unfortunately this makes me very worried. I can only hope that the Herald Polling is flawed, especially since a recent…

  • Movie Review – City of God

    City of God tells the tale of a ghetto in Rio De Janerio in the 70’s. Drug trade, violence and poverty dominate every aspect of life. It opens with our lead character Rocket chasing a chicken only to meet a score of armed teenagers. It loosely follows his journey growing up, with his confused naration…

  • The Arts

    Interesting article in SMH examing the role of the Arts in modern culture. Background: Theatre companies are struggling, ballet, dance, orchestra’s are not valued by the public and are making a loss. Even music has gone down 10%. As corporations move to deliver services, they are increasingly selling us emotions and feelings rather than products.…

  • About BLOODY TIME!

    Angry Niven: May offend some readers. One of my pet hates is Rich Private Schools. And nothing makes me madder than taxpayers money – thats the money that is primarily paid by the working class – getting given to large private schools. Now, even I have come to accept the importance of independant schools in…