Author: joelh
Twiki Hack – Make your Twiki act like a Database
I’m not sure if I’m disgusted or intrigued to learn that you can hack your twiki so that it acts like a dynamic table with forms for adding or changing content. This guy uses it to build a bug tracking system, but you could conceivably build any simple table based system this way and retain…
Recent versions of sudo in sarge restrict the environment variables that can be used. This is an important security feature that stops people gaining unauthorized priviledges (programs may interpret these environment variables and launch other processes). For most purposes this is too restrictive because its stops DISPLAY and SSH agent variables. Add this line to…
12 coin problem
This took us a work day to work out. See if you can do it. You have a balance scale and 12 coins, 1 of which is counterfeit. The counterfeit weigh less or more than the other coins. Can you determine the counterfeit in 3 weightings, and tell if it is heavier or lighter?
1 million dollar mystery box
I’m guessing this is a scam, but an interesting one to watch. Whose got a spare US $1 mil?
Guide to Electronic Music
For all those who don’t understand electronic music, check out this guide. This is the most awesome thing I’ve seen in a long time. Check out this guys description of Booty.
William St.
As most of you know I work on William St., currently undergoing a “makeover” which mostly means a huge widening of the streets and a some trees. That this is a measure designed to increase traffic in the cross-city tunnel is not a secret and that it was ever billed as an upgrade is ridiculous.…